s goals for the r.t.p. and therefore it makes sense that regional investment should be directed towards projects and jurisdiction that are supporting those goals. also, project performance should play a key role in investment decision. the advocacy should include in the r.t.p., should include for new revenue. so in order to accomplish what we want to, we really need to focus on growing the pie and building a case to the public that the pie needs to get bigger. and then finally, the transportation funds should really be used on transportation. so non-transportation projects that support transportation should still identify non-transportation revenue. and this is the last slide. the schedule in where we are. may 17. we're at the program's committee. the next step is submitting after board approval of the screening criteria, submitting the final san francisco priorities to m.t.c. by the end of may. then twee may and july, m.t.c. doll a project performance evaluation on everything that was submitted. and then st