we have engaged various departments such as the sf puc, talking about the future of the plan area and trying to address their institutional goals. through this plan and the growth anticipated, we have addressed all of those issues. >> the reason i am saying that -- if i would be a land owner and i already anticipate large contributions in other areas described in your plan, these hidden costs will make it difficult, because you can only put so many additional fees on something before it starts to be a sinkhole. with some anticipation, i say there will be hidden costs that have not been brought forward at the moment. -- commissioner moore: president fong: are there additional comments? >> commissioners, the motion on the floor is for approval of initiation of all components, the general plan amendments, the planning code, and the zoning maps -- the initiation. actually, you are initiating. on that motion, including the amendments that were put for you today. on that motion -- commissioner antonini: aye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner moore: aye. commissioner miguel: aye. vice p