the state run newspaper china daily have been conducting a poll annually and asked person 2500 japanese and chinese what they think about their neighbor. they carried out the survey between may and july. 90% said they have negative feelings towards china, up 6 percentage points from last year. 93% of chinese said they have negative feelings towards japan, an increase of 28 percentage points. the survey provides a snapshot, but events of the past weigh heavily. >> the new poll suggests animosity between the people worsened over the past year. >> translator: i don't have a positive image of china. >> chinese people push pooch about the views on historical issues. >> i especially hate japan. >> we don't need good relations with japan. >> japanese and chinese were asked why they have bad impressions of each other. the tug of war in the east china sea had the top reason. more than 53% of japanese cited the dispute compared with nearly 78% of chinese. wartime history is the second highest reason for this ill will. nearly half said they don't like being criticizing over the past. 24% of chines