the private investment, i forget, what it stands for, but it is a function of the transportation secretary's office. and it was a committee that was supposed to review, proposals and make comments. secondarily, the state transportation commissionempowered to authorize a public private partnership in lease and contract. this bill, highens the ability to actually act as an initial hurtle and they have a binding, and the binding ability to reject the public, private partnership proposal before it goes to the transportation commission, we think that is not what the original framers of the particular p3 law intended and it does add an extra burden to the process and we are recommending oppose to that. ab 863 is another one that we are recommending oppose, it seems like it was a measure that we would support but page 7 details that this bill would allow for the delegation of nepa, the national, environmental act to caltransto administer for projects but that sounds like a stream lining but we had it approved for state highway programs and local highway programs and we found that the implementation of that was very unworkable, particularly for local projects. the state seemed to spend more energy on accelerating their projects at the