the little boy. doesn't recognize the role hinge or genocide or even wrote in jazz in this city the word itself is under attack. the muslims were terrorists. we're trying to arrange an interview with the sun sochi the state council nobel peace prize laureate. in reply to our interview request we received an invitation to join the media. and even though we understood we just had the official position of the authorities it was the only way to film at least something in the state closed to journalists spike then. the countries. where gold of friendship brit's so be returning. from various hit. the official line is that the attacks against muslim villages were an anti terrorist operation in response to the. no look on. the property. in august 2017 in just one day killed 99 hindus and buddhists in russia state into a child the asian the mayan mommy carried out an ethnic cleansing operation they wiped out row hinge of villages full seen people to flee to bangladesh. state used to be separate kingdom you had boat was slums and bloodless living day that kingdom up for a kind was conquered by the bomb and kingdom the boundaries god redrawn oddo there a kind came down became adal bangladesh and the adam og came out of nam