resources include for parking garages, candlestick park, our recreation facilities, and fields, the teagarden, and many others. in addition to the revenue that we earn, we also benefit from prior year savings as well as a general fund subsidy and the amount of $34.7 million. this slide demonstrates the breakdown of our earned revenue. as you all know, in the last year, the department has made a clear decision to focus on revenue generation as a means to solve our significant budget challenges. and through the hard work and concerted efforts of our revenue division, we were able to increase the amount of budgeted earned revenue in year by $4 million. so we went from a budget of $26 million in earned revenue in fiscal year 2009-2010 to a budget of $30.9 million in earned revenue in the current fiscal year. and we did this in big ways and in small ways. everything from the outside lands concert to new food carts in parks. and we think pretty clearly that our revenue strategy is working. this slide is my favorite slide in the entire presentation. and it just shows the trajectory of revenue growth