i wonder as you look at the theirates, how you viewed response, and if you would comment briefly on that. a. perkins: again, we see not whole lot of difference between the candidates in terms of what .hey say on the issue of israel i mean, donald trump was talking about -- you know, his credentials. he was the grand marshall of a parade down 5th avenue, a pro-israel parade, which is interesting for your set of credentials. has been very clear on his support of israel. i actually think ted cruz is the only one -- i could be mistaken on this -- but he has made very clear that under his administration the capital, or the embassy of the united states would be in the israeli capital of jerusalem. so, it all has been up there. i think john, even, has been clear in his support of israel. i do not think we are going to see a republican who is going to back away from this key ally in the middle east. mr. sherfinski: also, you mentioned the four candidates standing up there on the stage. looking back to 2006-2007, how would you say -- where does the conservative movement stand? has president obama