. >> reporter: the tibbmagazine, it was one of last straw. >> i'm one among many women sexually abused, misused, talked naughty to like we liked it. we didn't. as a victim of sexual assault, i tell you about devastation wreaked on women and girls by predatory men and boys who think women like it. >> reporter: even after the tape trump still enjoys the loyalty leaders in this country. >> i'm concerned when i see these leaders continuing to support trump, that they are actually fore saking their responsibility to up hold the dignity of women for political expedience. >> reporter: in the red state of kentucky at the very conservative christian southern baptist theological seminary, dr. denny burke is pulling no punches. i guess you don't like him >> yeah. . >> reporter: in his blog he called trump an extinction level event writing he must never be allowed during the oval office, ever. >> he already has divided conservat conservatives. >> reporter: for most a choice must be made. >> are you going to vote? >> yeah. >> reporter: for who? >> i know who i'm not voting party candidates? >> yeah