one, you plug the magicjack into the u.s.b. port of any, a cordless telephone, doesn't matter. that's your choice. and three, start making calls for free. a lot of people have said to us, "love the magicjack, but i really can't keep my computer on 24/7. like to replace my home phone. like to fire my phone company. i'd like to have the freedom of paying a phone bill that was $19.95 a year-- that's less than $1.66 a month-- but i can't keep my computer on all the time." that's where we came up with the magicjack plus. we literally have taken the motherboard of a computer, a processor, and shrunk it down and miniaturized it into the magicjack plus so it has all those capabilities. now, one, plug the magicjack into the supplied a.c. adapter. two, plug in any ethernet cord and your telephone line-- and we give you that ethernet cord, that internet cable comes with it-- you plug that into your router, which everybody has at home with their high-speed internet and three, just pick up that phone and start calling for free. the other thing tha