the union movement and everything else? >> it gives new meaning to the phrase look for the union label, remember? ♪ look for the union label >> i used to love that song. >> a little marijuana sticker. listen, there's nothing you can say. that is sure awesome. >> fantastic tv, ben, doesn't give awe lot of hope, considering how much taxpayer money went into general motors and chrysler, doesn't make me feel too great about that investment. >> i hate to tell this to you, but people are smoking reefer all over the place and every field and when i used to work on wall street long, long, long years ago, people were smoking a lot of reefer and blowing a lot of cocaine there. so there's a lot of drug use, it's a gigantic problem. i don't know exactly how much that has to do with the issue of unionization, it does have a lot to do with the fact that we have a moral crisis in this country which people refer to get high rather than face their problems and i'm afraid a lot of people in congress seem to be doing the same thing. >> there's no doubt there's a moral crisis aspect to it. something more, listen talk