the wod's biggest retailer is getting even bigger. wal-mart has added almos million new items on its weite. the shops call the wal-mart marketace. unless consumers buytems from a specific group of other retailers. the additional vendors will expand wal-mart's produc in areas like home goo, apparel, toys a baby items. anhing bought from the marketplacoutside retailers will be handled through wal-martom's checkout proces but the retailers themselves will manage otr serces like shipping, customer service and returns. >> paul:ash-strapped reade cut wn on their news stand magazine purchases durin the first half of the year. the decreas led to a 12%drop in sing copy sales compe ed with the me period a year ago. most large circulation magazines saw slight declines inoverall u.s. circulati while some posted small gains. the figures were released today by the audit bureau of circulatns. won's magazines were among the hardest hit during recession single cop sales fall more than subscriptions becae consumers are likely to refrain from impulse bu. tomoow meet some of the people who makup the s million uneloyed americans as we kick off our se