just don't want to be one of those guys that's in his office until 12:00 at night worrying about the weenusimated net usage systems." it's a processing term. oh... that weenus. so, what are you going to do? i don't know. i just know i won't figure it out working there. oh! i have something you can do. i have this new massage client-- steve. anyway, he's opening up a restaurant and he's looking for a head chef. um... hi, there. hi. oh, yeah, i know, you're a chef. and i thought of you first. but chandler's the one who needs a job right now, so... i just don't have a lot of cheffing experience. unless it's an all-toast restaurant. yeah, yeah. what kind of food is he looking for? he wants to do something eclectic. so he's looking for someone who can create the entire menu. oh, my god! yeah, i know. so what do you think? thanks, pheeb. i just don't really see myself in a big white hat. okay. oh, monica, guess what! can you see my nipples through this shirt? n-no. but don't worry-- i'm sure they're still there. where are you going mr. suity-man? well, i have an appointment to see dr. robert pill