. >> reporter: the white ribbon campaign aims to stop violence before it starts. >> we tell them that the white ribbon signifies men, men standing up against violence against women. i'm going to ask you to stand up with me, if you would. i want them to stand up, i want them to raise their hand, and i want them to commit to being an ambassador; not just for that moment, but they have to continue to not only to talk the talk, but they've got to walk the walk. i promise... >> i promise... >> ...to never commit... >> ...to never commit... >> ...condone or remain silent... >> ...condone or remain silent... >> ...about violence against women. >> ...about violence against women. >> reporter: the statistics are startling. according to the american psychological association, one in three teens and young adults is the victim of physical, verbal, emotional or sexual abuse by a dating partner. >> of teenagers who are in abusive relationships, three percent will tell an authority figure, six percent will tell a family member, but 75% will tell a friend. that's why we focus on kids. ( applause ) >>