ctia against the city and county of san francisco filed on july 23, 2010 in the united states district court northern district of california entitle identified the ctia, the wireless association v. the city and county of san francisco. >> supervisor >> avalos. >> thank you, president chiu. colleagues i will not be supporting the settlement and i i believe that the rules was around free speech rights and the city's neat to prove without a shadow of a doubt, cell phones being harmful to people's health, as well as the fcc ruling that that happened to be the case as well. i can't support the settlement based on a ruling that i believe was way too extreme and so therefore, i will be voting no. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you, mr. president. i certainly share the comments by supervisor avalos. i am completely opposed to what the 9th circuit has ruled here. with that said, the unfortunate thing is that the ruling by the 9th circuit from a legal standpoint i don't know that we have any ability to really alter the outcome. i am for pushing the envelope on something as important as this, but i think that the legal reality is such that if we do not approve this settlement, that we're