for example, the wynton hotel went for about 30 years, numerous health and safety code violations andlations of the americans with disability act. i got put in that building by barbara garcia, and i stayed in that building for five months. as a result, i had to conduct my own investigation and standup for my rights and the rights of other people who were living in the building nine and ten and 15 years. turns out a white skinned colored male to my right, he'd been living in that building for 12 years. hundreds of bed bugs, roaches, mice, all in his apartment. black skinned colored male to my right had been living in the building seven years, same living conditions. was wondering where this infestation was coming from because both of these people both sides of me, not coming from me. so i ended up filing a complaint. and as a result, investigators came town. high team's looking at me like i'm crazy, saying we've got the best building we've got. i said if that's the best building you've got, i'd hate to see the worst building you've got. and then, i got a call from the health department