. >> thea barbaria. >> good morning, my name is david barber reappeared i hear about these sunny side park projects. i have here documents and pictures of the fence, as it was supposed to be. when i called meghan -- i understand you are very nice. i cannot say much about the other person. commissioner buell: excuse me, let me stop there. for public testimony, what people to be courteous and respectful. we know everyone has their own opinion, and we hear loud and clear, but let's be appropriate. >> anyway, the fence was also supposed to be 85 feet. i measured it at 127 feet. it is very nice, secluded, private. they tore down all the vines and everything off the fence, including mine. now i have a fence with a view of the park. i have no privacy. this is my house, as you can see. that is actually the ivy next door to me. my house is just to the right. that is, according to meghan, she said that this is part of the damaged offense and is supposed to be replaced. i called her, she denied everything that was there. here i am again this week to try to get some privacy in my house. i am sure