theard campanella said that city is in equilibrium.her they are evolving, or they are dire. -- or they are dying. the discussion about judge rotation, which is a real discussion. -- the discussion about gentrification. these growing pains are because we are growing for the first time in 40 years. >> there has been a running theme throughout the day -- the good and the strength and the struggle to coexist with growth, resilience, and the strain of getting to that. where do you see us 10 years from now? i think we understand now that resilience is about physical infrastructure and about social and economic infrastructure. all three are critical for a truly resilient city. it may be that the word is overused, but i would submit, so is the word love. we each get to interpret it in our own way. [laughter] this is a moment when each of us needs to take responsibility for making the new orleans that we wish it could happen. -- it could have been. i think in the immediate the concentration on physical infrastructure may have swapped some of th