thebes acoc has pledged to -- the acoc has pledged to raise $32 million. it should be noted, and the report goes over this in some deep, that the payment in lieu of rent are not intended to reimburse the corp. for read lost after the event is completed, as a result of the legacy leases. these legacy leases will result in an ongoing for revenue, and will consequently reduce our debt capacity between $20,000,000.34 $0.3 million, depending on the site. we will be deploying several strategies to rebuild the debt capacity for the imported products described in the report, including additional operating expenses, programming our existing capacity to fund the most economically viable project, and also looking for other public investments. staff recommends the commission approve the attached resolution with one amendment, the final clause. please try in consultation with the city attorney. the commission secretary has provided a copy of the revised resolution. legally, this is a fair proposal to deliver this really important project to the region. thank you, and i