even mor hay, t next one thebrought,in mony a om, strgeame, w nen a ca >> in a n? >> it's bom increbly pular. whole foods is selli it like crazy. andoglass. >>o glass aund the hot allyrecyable. 's vy lightly fizzy, chi wn. in ahot, steamot b. like th! >> perfect! >>eldro! we n more wine. >> whs the clicker? hold on.les ke w wa aymovie. hi a notebook? teok. love this wine. this is the oh orn? >>oh,opcorn goe t. oh,hepoorn'owbew.isth is sak shaz. it licis. 'sricottlof r ne >> d y prt witanything? >> popcn. wlde rll gd wh beer osoin i bught liteport. >> thought w t littl port. >> no, you're mytle tart, e rt.>>hi is t reserve. it's under $20 forhis. so it' a fanicly affordle lentine's ftcan you sit on thecouch. >> that's skp. >> it's delicious. t's sweet, the port. >> supe great,eat. w wre going to give you a ttiss of wine wit a wine fr spai >>f is if y areoingo p the question.>>iss of th is a ponio. youan seeantonio. he g some little this haing ght dn the thinalhi isfou're ingo pop the queson, chpae. whoa >>ll right, cheers, everybody. >> cheers! cheers. >> don't be l