while investigating an uncharted planet, theenterpriseand at least this enenre quadrant of space has been subjected to violent, unexplained stress and force. who might be connected with the phenomenon. with my first officer and a secucuty team, i have set out in search of him. you came! thank the heavens. there's still time. it's not too late. need...need your help. aah! nothing yet, sir. report on the dilithium crystals, captain. yes. whatever that phenomenon was, it drained almost all of our crystals completely. it could mean trouble. you have a talent for understatement, lieutenant. without full crystal power, our orbit will begin to decay in 10 hours. re-amplify immediately. aye, aye, sir. any further magnetic disturbance? negative, captain. scanners indicate situation normal. nothing? nothing. ilillogical. physicalalaws that i'm aware of. i have been able t t ascertain one fact. though the effect, whatever it was, was unquestionably widespread, it was strongest here, on the planet beneath us. keep checking. red 2 message in one minute, captain. starfleet command. code factor 1,