first quarter of 2012, and probably will not improve this year.gooddnews for the labor market- theenumberrofing for uneeployment low last week.accooring to the labor depprtment, the number of peoole fillig for initial &pcllims dropped from 364- thousand to 339--housandd economists say the drop is another sign that the labor market is improvvng. besttbuyy cut costs.the company has to - announced itt plans to close fifty of its more thann 11-hundred biigbox stores in expects po open 1000smaller stores in open 50 new stores in china. the company has ssruggled to compete with online retailers brief, i'm melisa raney. -----end-----cnn.script----- a close caal.. for a motorcylce a close call.. for a cnn.scciit----------end----- cnn.script----- a close call.. or a motorcylce rider... how he was able o avoid gettiig smashed by an out of control car. car. it's the duke lacrosseerape case all over again. in 2006, a black stripppr rape case all over again. it's the dukee lacrosse 3 it's the duke lacrosse raae a black stripper lacrrsse 06, - players of raping her.rush to judgment. the coach resigned, an