he aalegedly reached for the wrong gun when he fiied at theetrainee that day. 3 < the trainers areeobbiouslyy& taking this very hard... and this hhrts hii."> hhm."> < "well thaa rule is in place to protect evvryone so that you don't make those kind oo mistakes by pickinn up live - weapon. >>- p>state police are still investigating the ordeea... and the city is conducting its & own nternal probeesix pnstructors were initiallyy suspendeddso far... tww have been re-instated. 3 the maryland stadium authority against smokkng. smoking.a smokiig ban at & oriile paak at camden yarrs pnd m-aad-t bann stadium goes pnnooeffect march 4th.fans designated areas within the twoostadiums..he aaens organizationsssays it will accommodate fann who wish to smokeeby allowwng thee to leave thh stadium to smoke in certain areas... then go back 33 expected to nnounce a simillr policc before opening day. & 3 pollen season comes early this & yyar... fr millions of 3sufferers.experts say tree &ppollen is supposed to peak n parrh... with grass pollen 3 buttsome regions... including times for polllnnare dawn aad &pdusk...