the senator who heads the antitrust subcommittee had pressed very hard for thefcc to look into this. that along with broadband are the two topics that have been taken right out of the gate. a third topic that a lot of people may be wondering about is net neutrality, keeping the internet open, and that sort of thing. it was something that president obama mentioned a few times on the campaign. he mentioned it again back when he unveiled the big cyber security report, and that is another issue that they will get to in time. >> we will come back to that. anything else to be said about broadband before remove on? let's move on to the wireless issue that you brought up. both the chairman and the lead republican or the senior republican, robert mcdowell, but spoke about wireless policy recently. i want to show you a little bit of that and then get your reaction. >> the item of the notice does go beyond what was understood to be narrowly, to look more broadly at all the elements that affect what we understand to be immobile marketplace. it is an important step in the process of laying a soli