. >> the first to call attention to colony collapse this order one of thehackenburg, u.s. commercial distributors. 2006, with good looking at beehives in october, three weeks later, i am back down there, same location. yard and started looking at these bees, and there was nobody home. of 400 hives, there were only 30-some that even look like beehives any more. where did the bees go? >> ," seen in my own operation. ," seen a significant decline in the number of colonies -- i have seen it in my own operation. i have seen a significant decline in the number of colonies i am able to keep alive. it reflects what is going on nationally. one out of every three u.s. honey bee colonies was lost during the winter of 2010-2011, but some beekeepers say the losses are much higher. >> our losses over the year are running 50% to 80%. unsustainable. if you are strictly a honey producer and this is your job, you cannot survive and they are not surviving. >> why are usda reports so low? it could be because the survey was based on data reported by only 20% of u.s. beekeepers and because it i