tribe, pyramid lake membership, said they wasn't getting enenen out of it and was gogog to kill thehehel. it's a two-way s seet,t, and everybodods going to veveo go down n t tether. certata people's attitides ven't changed, we're e t going to achievevanananng. it's a aasted effort. but we're going toto be there, and somebody's going to o negotiating g is thing, and hopefully ititililcome out w wl. [applause] [d[draga] i think there's a need for the cui-ui fish. nobody wants to seeeenything extinct,t,t, [d[draga] i thbut t think a need for there's a limimi there's a difference between want and need.d. don't think they n nd the amount of water they want, and that's beeeeee the big controversy for years-- is how much waterr they really need to r rover theheish. that question's bebeg looked at more seriously now, and hopefully someththg will come out of that that can benenen maybe both sides a l ltle bit. a loloof the people hehe at pyramid lake know a lot of the farmers over therere grew up with them, wentnto high school with them, meet w wh thememt rodeos, do things s getherer meet at the