the french and german governments agreed a whole range of shared goals at theheoint cabinenet meetingng. merkel also stressed the imimportance o of reforms for fe . and, macron made it clear that he's not crcritizing germrmany r investing too little. >> i said in an interview that i would wish for increased private and public investment from germany. but, in the same interview, i also said thahat in our relationship, neitither side lelectures the other. reporter: germany and france agreed on a projoject of great symbolic and economic significancece, after years of coeteting th onene another i in the arms indusustry, both countries now want to work together and build a fighter jet. up to now, france's aircraft arrival the euro fighter built by germany and three other european countries -- rivaled the euro fighter built by germany and three other european countries. brent: liu xiaobo died. the 61-year-old suffered from liver cancer. china ignored international pleas to allow liu to seek treatment abroad. he died in custody in a hospital, still serving out an 11 year prison sentence. here'