contribute so it is fitting the task force releases the report that for policy ideas to maximize thehly motributions as the senior population grows monthly mortgage payments and the cost of home maintenance can be a major strain on the budgets of senior households for many housing related cost constitutes the biggestthe expenditures the major factor contributing to highthis cost by the way not only for seniors before the country at large this most negatively impacts lower income households living on fixed incomes according torenter hide extremely low income households competing for only 12.3 million rental homes resulting in a hoortfall of 6.9 million homes of those 11-point to a million households 2.six were identified as those with those children the aging of the population will decrease yet of ability of rental homes and exacerbateoble. the supply that is not keeping up millions of older americans will make that transition from home ownership into rental housing that demand will intensify with greater numbers of senior suffering severe mental burdens is estimated by 2025 the numbe