a and theirh, a nice person with a microphone. -- ah, there is a person with a microphone. there must be at least one question here for our panel. they have answered every single thing that you ever thought about your entire life? no. here is the question. and from a famous person. here we go. >> governor barbara -- barbour said will have a big catastrophe, it is going to encompass one city usually, so he thinks a governor should be in charge. but in this panel, nobody has mentioned the governor. what role leading the governor of california should have? >> i think you have to remember who the governor is. i love jerry. [laughs] i clearly think of the wildfires and the earthquake that the governor has a role that is pretty critical for mobilizing the r and maybe resources outside the region. let's think about an earthquake. the kind of earthquake we're all theory in the bay area could also take out the levees, which would disrupt the water system for a lot of northern california. i would have to think twice. i mean, i think that the governor has to rally the state resources,