withdrawal of rud's, and state parties are encouraged by monitoring their rud's and others to withdraw theirrud's and other to come into full compliance with the treaty. but a future congress or withdraw rud either from the normal legislative process or unilateral executive action, thereby circumventing -- and remember, a treaty is ratified by 2/3 -- thereby circumventing the constitutional protection provided by a 2/3 majority requirement of the senate advice and consent. you understand what i'm asking? guest: i am told this has never happened. we would not do it without a fair amount of process engaged in it. no foreign country can validate a u.s. rud. i will tell you that. and no disability committee can't invalidate a u.s. rud. you would presume it would have to take -- i think it would take an entirely new resolution. i would have to find out for you, senator. >> more specifically, could the federalism rud be withdrawn in this manner, eliminating the limits that the senate has put in place to that uses expanded federal authority under the treaty to intrude on the powers of the states? >> i d