is to use theis forjose as a launching pad a many year project to showcase the work of other people and help people begin to understand how complicated and how toential the slave trade is our understanding of who we are today. the recovery effort was kept under wraps for several years. at a fear of treasure hunters. projects thatr you are currently working on that are under wraps? paul: we are working in a number of areas around the world. we have the submerged resources center. croix in the st. u.s. virgin islands. we have archival material that there.ts shipwrecks the smithsonian is coming in. not all of these sites may prove to have shipwrecks. contain potential and contain those crucial community and building elements to have these conversations around these ships and around the slave trade. >> you have the names of any of these individuals slaves who either lived or died in this shipwreck? do you wish you had a name? themu wish you could honor by calling their name. as long as you can say someone's name, they are never gone. i wish we could say the names. we can honor their spirits