. -- was not a theist. if you compare the declaration of independence to the 159 new agencies and the health-care bill, many progressives do not think the declaration of independence has anything to do with the constitution, but it needs a debate. on the oil company tng, i have a failed company that had an array of naturally occurring organisms, many of which a on your body as we speak, and we used them to do an array of thgs. we were successful at oil cleanup. we put in a proposal to the exxon valdez and the huntington beach oil spills. we did not have the resources, and we certainly could not work through the bureaucracy at the time. during dunton beat bill we have the san walkingelicopters -- during the huntington beach spill, we the san joaquin helicopters spraying chemicals everywhere. ww could have taken care of it your guys said no way, the bugs will mutate and spread. i was listening to marc levin today. he saithe epa has changed all e rules against microbiology. a professor says that nature will ta