we are seeing in classrooms that technology is not used to demonize thelassroom, but to go the other way. we are all sitting there physically with each other but not interacting. we are staring at the chalkboard and one person is lecturing. one student might be bored and one might be lost. the teacher is not getting a lot of feedback. we are saying let's use technology to take some of that off the teachers table so is not about eight lector anymore. it should be about interacting with your friends and the teacher and doing problem- solving. when i was in school, if a friend is having trouble with something and you whispered, you should look at it this way, you should -- you would get reprimanded. why are you talking? they should be working with each other and with the teacher. tavis: if you went to the department of educationight now and walked into arne duncan office a he cou show you on the wall a map where the 2000 worst schools in the country are -- they know where they are. have them on a map and they can identify those sools. tell me how your approach to education, your idea of