gonna have more high-quality low-cost stuff than anybody in all of human history and yet it seems strange that we at a time with the greatest material prosperity ever. thele class americans are richest, any time and place in all of human history. lots of anxiety and discontent. if you want to make this precise, we're going to have our third year of declining life in the u.s. we've never had this before. we didn't have good data on life war.tancy during the civil we probably had at least three years of declining life the civil war.e but since we've been measuring things like this for a century, ofve never had three years declining life expectancy. right now, we have ramping of despair, overdoses, opioids, suicides. displacede that have car accidents, which on mortality tables from 80 years wrecks were always the biggest driver of death, particularly among anybody under 65.age of 60 or now we're displacing those despair.th deaths of that's a weird thing to be paired with so much material surplus. wrote this book to talk about the decline of the natural good tribes, tribes of place. we have a statistical collapse of the nuclear family, 70% oflarly among the