and so but thelesson is, and i use the to illustrate the wave of shame that sweeps over her, to show how the moment of the adultery was not the passionate moment t was the moment of regret afterwardsthat actually more emotional. so we see the world differently one second to another. and we i think we are born with a certain, and it would make evolutionary sense to have a very strong sense of fairness. to have a strong sense of in group and out group. and this they have measured various neuroscientists where we see somebody of our own group suffering pain there are sharp reactions, when we see somebody in an out group suffering pain t is much less, much less. and this is where a lot of problems in the world come from. >> rose: about this point in this conversation someone is listening to the two of us and they're saying the following thing. i hear you. mr. brooks, talk about the power of the unconscious. tell mhow the power of the unconscious can be influenced and what influence do i have on it. >> i'm glad you asked that because one never wants to leave the impression that it is beyo