clearly, funding is at the top is thelist, as willingness of european nations, given tight budgets, to step up to the plate and make the resources available. but i will add two new ones, which is first the issue of integrating our counterterrorism work into the mission of nato. we have seen obviously a major dustup over the revelations regarding u.s. surveillance techniques, but it is frankly i think forced us to talk a little bit about what our true counterterrorism partnership is going to be, whether it will on individual bilateral bases, or whether it can be a more central organizing premise of nato going forward, which also speaks to the second challenge. greater ability to speak with a common voice on the issue of national security and defense. it is likely going to become even more problematic for the united states to figure out anther the proper venue for individual conversation about the future of national security as that are housed in nato or in the ee you -- the eu. the ability of this triumvirate to figure out a strategy moving forward is one of the challenges and frankly a