basically pulled an o incredible nf details that painted a very alarming picture much just howac bad thelogsand how bad those overloaded with case loads public de fenders find themselves in this situation. so we focus in on missouri because it is one of the least, one of rather the worst funded systems in the count and als because the public de fenders there are among the mo overwhelmed. and we met onek a guy named jeff esparsa whn o told us ihis office just how bad the system is right now. >> 150 percent oy maximum possible ethical case load basically i an that if rked a 60 hour week, which would be a fair modest week, for the next year and a half and didn't get a single new case, that i coul do the bare minimum to ethically represent the clients. >> judy, these public de fenders go into this line of work because they want to represent some of the people in society with the least amount of voice, people who are poor and criminally accused. and what ends up happening is they end up with so ma cases that they can't do the job they want to do for these clients. so they are in this position whe