beat thenote that that analysts' estimates.t was about what they predicted, just a little bit outside of their guidance, and this is an important number for salesforce, because it tells what people have ordered but have not collected on. at 41% on a year-over-year basis. and the effect of the dollar hurting them, about four percentage points again, so year-over-year revenue, had it not been a currency was flat, it would've been 27%, and the currency helps them. ,e will call it 23% europe year demo one point -- year over year. as i sit down to the income down to the- zip income statement, their operating results, the net income -- i take it back. on company made $4 million $1.4 billion in revenue, $1.5 billion in revenue, so barely profitable, a huge marketing expense, not a lot of big surprises there. i will continue to look for some nuggets, because salesforce always has a few. and we also want to look at any takeover speculation that has been rampant in the past few weeks. thanks, cory. in bloomberged news, talking about the