this is a man named theodore bilbo. he was governor of mississippi twice, in the 19 tens, and the 1920s. he was a democrat, a dixiecrat, before the realignment of the parties, on the racial issues that happened in the 19 50s. bilbo was just profiled in the washington post this weekend for reasons that will become clear in a moment, if they're not already. governor bilbo wrote a book in 1947, it was called, take your choice, separation or realization. in the book, he argued that white people were being replaced, that the white race would in fact disappear, if white people allowed nonwhite people to live freely among them. if they allow that to happen for much longer, white people would disappear. it was a plot, see? the existence of black people and other non white people, this insistence that white people somehow had to abide by them, and here in america, that was a plot. it was deliberately designed to eliminate the white race. the white people had to fight back against that. july 1946, that bilbo was running for reele