. >> theodore dalrymple takes a look at the field of psychology next on booktv. he argues modern-day psychology distorts our criminal justice system and allows children and adults to alleviate personal responsibility for their actions. [applause] >> good evening. thanks for joining us. i am arthur miller, assistant director of the center for principal and politics and we are joined by one of my favorite writers, theodore dalrymple. when i say his name many look at me with eyes of recognition confirming the numbers among their favorite writers as well. others to stare back with puzzlement ask with their eyes, what is theodore dalrymple? tonight's event is about theodore dalrymple's new book "admirable evasions" how psychology undermines morality. a close examination of modern psychology, psychiatrist and neuroscience from the perspective of literature and philosophy is long overdue. the scope of modern psychology's influence is remarkable. indeed to what or to whom do we most turn to learn about what man is and what is good for him? what other authority in modern