rush to buy is driving prices and making ammunition and some weapons difficult to find. , at theomatic rifles gun control legislation, are a popular item. >> stuff goes quick. >> john says he comes to the what he isock up on unable to find in stores now. target practice? >> target practice, self defense, hunting. 10 years ago i could buy 1000 for $100.ammunition now it is nearly $.50 or $.60 a round. gold has not gone up that much in price. includesowd not only , but people who have never been to a gun show. got lost the first time. defenders want to themselves. they do not want to stockpile guns or ammo. to defend themselves. >> for those not wanting to buy , there were a litany of other items to take him. very much like a county fair. the licensed vendors were background checks sales, as required by federal law. there were also private sale place between individuals, which do not require a background check. that was a concern for some of the vendors with a federal firearms license. , youe is not license a background check. get your id, we call you in, or you area felon , you do not g