he sleep on theouch at the office a lotf the time. he is really goo at what he does. it is thonly thing he really kws. >>es tavis: you have don this a couple of things in prime time no is thelan to do things that are dieet trickally oosed in terms of character >> yes. that islways the fun part. the thing about bng on a succesul show is people get to know you. that is the good news and the d news. oncehey get though know you, they think they knowou, and they kind lock you in, you know what mean? tavis: right. >> i think wn i leftthe practice,"he real work began because then it is mjob to kind of change people's mind about . i certainly don't wanto play that role again. its time to play a newole. but setimes in the oldays they wouldn't let u do that. u were trapped into aole, anthat was it. so i really is myob to mix it up asuch as i can, and i try to do things in films like wunder land. i changed my look. in "darklue," it is a chance for me t play a much darker chacter. at might bencomfortable for people, but hopefly they will catch up and say he has so many intricacie