my name is theresa ballard. to the commission and the audience i am a lifelong resident of bay view hunter's point and up to this date i have chronic asthma. i have fieb ramiaga and lupus. to this day they don't understand why all of these auto immune diseases are attacking the minorities and the black community, but i am here to tell you that on a daily basis i struggled with breathing, not just from the sewer plant, but from the toxins, from the shipyard and everywhere else. you know i know like she said before our whole community is toxic but why there? and we -- like she said we are not opposed to wellness. we need the services that will come there for not only children but the adults as well. we need to have an outlet where we can go and destress, and have a place where we can have a positive social element for not only ourselves but our children as well, so we applaud those that have been working to bring such a center to bay view. we just oppose the location. thank you. >> next speaker. >> are there any o