my name is theresa dolores and i'm a parent that lives in district 6 almost all my life. i have three children and my kids actually went to filipino education center school. i live on folsom street nearby six entrance and exit freeways. never before i have seen -- that today currently there are increased traffic on each of those major streets that we have from tenth all the way to main street. all of these entrances are freeway and exit traffic are located on these streets. my uncle was hit by a car. he's now invalid. a grandparent was hit on seventh street and howard street and he died. he was hit by a motorcycle. two school children were hit over at that elementary school campus at forsom and seventh street. the campus is on fourth street, fourth and harrison and that is where the filipino education campus for k-eight. i am really worried because i almost got hit many times. i live on tenth and folsom and no where even though there is 25-mile speed limit there drivers don't pay attention and also around the school corridor there is a 25-mile speed limit, but i think tha