therman whitfield: gentleman yields back. i recognize the gentleman from texas, mr. olson, for five minutes. olson: thank you. i will be brief. i spent hours studying this. there was a common claim. will i lose my job? members of the atlanta chamber or the partnership, they came ,rom family farms and ranches members of the iowa farm bureau, , a momaska homebuilders and pop store wrote epa and said said to our children, eas, and then you can have dessert. , andays, eat your peas then you can have more peas." the word came from epa's workhorses, the state agencies, to make this rule work. they have no clue about the science used or the health impacts. they worry if they can build new roads. these voices come from all of america. i hope epa starts listening. if one of my colleagues on my side wants some time, i will yield? if not, i will yield back. chairman whitfield: the gentleman yields back. at this time, i recognize the gentleman from illinois, mr. rush, for five minutes. rush: i want to thank you, mr. chairman, for holding this hearing on the epa's proposed rules.