this is the first time thesele's parents have been to cape town.wanted their son to get a good education, one which would provide financial security. they never imagined he'd be a singer. but now they're impressed. >> i've seen some things i never thought i'd see. >> thesele introduces them to one of his teachers. >> they'll be able to feed you. he'll be able to provide some bread home. because times are changing. it's just a matter of keep on believing in him, because this is talent. i'm telling you he's a superstar in the making. thesele has even sung at the united nations.that is one of the big offices. >> during the apartheid era, blacks weren't allowed to attend performances in cape town's opera house. they couldn't even dream of performing there. but today, in this very building, thesele's parents are about to experience another debut. they're attending their first opera -- and the lead roles are being played by none other than thesele and linda. >> this is my first sort of big role. this could be my chance to show them what i have. ♪ >> perf