what they're saying is this is the central argument of thestration, that for-profit companies like hobby lobby have no religious rights under the first amendment. that is the most asinine, bizarre, crazy assumption, and it only could come from the progressive wing of the left that has no regard for the first amendment or the u.s. constitution. if these people don't like it, they can go work somewhere else, but i actually think the court is going to rule in favor of hobby lobby. again, demonizing them for being a corporation making a profit, exercising their rights under the first amendment. that holds up in my opinion. >> dana and andrea point out something very important. there have been a lot of groups that have gone to the supreme court and asked to be not held under the law because of religious beliefs and the supreme court has said, no. for some reason, this one seems to be different because -- because of that profit motive. is the court now telling us what is right and wrong? >> it seems like political ideology is the one trumping the constitution in the form of hobby lobby. the pe