itme was clearly documented in both thete watered down report s well as the classified version. >> wait a minute. edith. i don't mean to interrupt you, but you say the watered down report. what do you mean by that? >>w well, there are two versesf the accountability report. there's the public version and there's the classified version that's clearly noted and the public version. and you know, it's clearly noted that our embassies in east africa, it was very muchch known by our intelligence community, live, active cells, al-qaeda cells in nairobi as early as 1996 prior to those bombings. it was also noted in the findings and recommendations of that report that our embassy, our state department and our embassy personnel worldwide were not -- were not very well trained to look into and predict or pay attention to the possibility of trans national terrorism. >> let me ask you this. when you heardrd about benghazi, did you have a feeling that oh, myh, god, they haven't learned anything? >> you know, you are stunned but not surprised. what was very troubling was the fact that this occurred on