. ♪ >>as if effortlessly, theyglide for hours in majestic circles with only an occasionalflap of theirlas regards themas the heroes of the mountains: the black vultures of the sierrade tramontana on mallorca. but their numbers have dwindled.only 150 of them still live in remote parts of the island. >>when i was born up here inthe mountains, there were lots of black vultures.what impressed me most back then was that birds this big couldfly at all. watching them is quite a show. >>mallorca is the only europeanisland where black vultures still live.the carrion feeders live primarily from dead sheep andgoats. but the number of sheep andgoats up here is dwindling, too. shepherds are increasinglyleaving the sierras. >>the problem began in the1960's. many people moved away becauseworking in tourism is easier. that's a problem.life up here is hard, and you don't earn as much money aselsewhere. >>when the shepherds leave, thesheep disappear. and when the sheep disappear, sodo the vultures. evelyn tewes cares for injuredvultures on mallorca. she created a foundation toprotect the species. when t