a number of countries have indicated that theyl united stas in certain counterterrorism efforts, for instance, in providing evidence or extraditing suspects if we intend to use the cooperation in pursuit of a military commission prosecution. although the use of military commissions in the united states can be traced back to the early days of our nation, in their present form they are less familiar to the international community than our system and article three courts. however, it is my hope that with time and with experience the commissions will obtain similar respect in the eyes of the world. when cases are selected for prosecutions in military commissions, prosecutors and ve investigators work together to support the prostitutions. the bomber of the "uss cole" is being tried before a military commission. and we'll continue to reject the false idea that we must choose between military commissions and federal courts instead of using them both. if we were to fail to use all necessary and available tools at our disposal, we would undoubtedly fail in our fundamental duty to protect the