announcer called the 19th of april, 1775. , theyross the 13 colonies are ready for this terrible momentdispatch from watertown. to all friends of american liberty, be it known that this morning before break of day, a british brigade marched and fired without provocation and killed six men and wounded four others. >> the war was not a revolution. it was only an effect and consequent of it. the revolution was in the minds of the people, and this happened before i drop of blood was shed at lexington. we have built it right under the king's nose. say, it was not the words of a day a year, and now 1775 is upon us. the second cotton of congress is a war congress. >> g are surrounded by dangers. determined to get our colleagues to agree on some plan . there is a division of thousands. in furnishingious a southern general. >> i respect mr. hancock wishes the nomination. he has little more military experience. >> but will washington accept that? he does not seek the post. >> he seems virtuous and discrete. and kind. i dare say, he will serve. man does nota arrive at a civil assembly in unless, u